Default Constraint
The default constraint lets you define a value that is assigned to a column when the user does not specifically supply a value when a new row is added to the table (using the INSERT statement). A default constraint can be defined on any column except:
- A column with the timestamp data type
- A column with the identity property
The value of the default can be supplied via a constant or a function or it can be null. The default constraint name should use a prefix of DF (indicating this is a default constraint).
Default Constraint Syntax
[CONSTRAINT constraint name]
DEFAULT constant | function | null
Default Rule
Constraint Definition
Use the current date as the default for the DateReceived column
Constraint DF_DateReceived Default GetDate()
Use null as the default for the PostalCode column
Constraint DF_PostalCode Default Null
Use 5.90 as the default for the HourlyRate column
Constraint DF_HourlyRate Default 5.90
Note: GetDate() is a function, which returns the system date.
A column level definition is used to define a default constraint.
To set a default of the current date for the OrderDate column in the PurchaseOrder table of the following ERD, we use the GetDate() function to supply the system date as the default value.
Create Table with Default Constraint
Create Table PurchaseOrder
OrderNumber int identity (1,1) not null
Constraint PK_PurchaseOrder Primary Key clustered,
OrderDate smalldatetime not null
Constraint DF_OrderDate Default GetDate(),
DateReceived smalldatetime not null,
SupplierId int not null
Constraint FK_PurchaseOrderToSupplier
references Supplier (SupplierId),
SubTotal money not null
Constraint CK_SubTotalMustBePositive Check (Subtotal > 0),
GST money not null
Constraint CK_GSTMustBePositive Check (GST > 0),
Total as Subtotal + GST,
Constraint CK_DateReceivedMustBeOnOrAfterOrderDate
Check (DateReceived >= OrderDate)
Establish 5.0 as the default number of hours per week that an employee will work on a project.