Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs)

An Entity Relationship Diagram is a picture describing the structure of a database. It is sometimes called a schema (from the word "schematic"). The ERD embodies the metadata of the database, as illustrated in the following image.


At the end of this topic, you should be able to:

  • Define the term ERD.
  • Identify the parts of an ERD.
  • Define the terms Entity, Attribute and Relationships as they relate to databases.
  • Describe the difference between atomic and composite attributes
  • Describe the difference between stored and derived attributes
  • Explain the purpose of a primary key in a database table
  • Define the term technical key
  • Define the term concatenated key (also known as a composite key)
  • Define the term Foreign Key
  • Define the term cardinality.
  • List the three major types of cardinality.
  • Identify primary keys, foreign keys, and indexes on an ERD.
  • Identify the cardinality indicated by the relationship lines on an ERD.
  • Describe how to translate an Entity Relationship Diagram into English using a template pattern.
Last Updated: 1/12/2020, 8:34:23 PM