Normalization Template

You can download the normalization template as a zip file.

Your lab is to be submitted as a Markdown (*.md) file using the following legend. The recommended text editor for these files is Visual Studio Code, as this editor allows you to preview your markdown document as HTML. ERDs can be created using Lucidchart and exported as *.png files. Check with your instructor about getting a free Lucidchart account to use during this course.


This legend is a guide to reading and interpreting the table listings under 0NF through 3NF.

  • TableName:
    • Table names will be bolded and end with a colon. (e.g.: **TableName:**)
  • (Column, Names)
    • Column names for a table will be enclosed in (rounded parenthesis) (e.g.: <span class="md">All, Attributes</span>).
  • PrimaryKeyFields
    • Primary key fields will be bold and inside a box. (e.g.: <b class="pk">PrimaryKeyFields</b>)
  • ForeignKeyFields
    • Foreign key fields will be a wavy underline in italic and green. (e.g.: <u class="fk">ForeignKeyFields</u>)
  • Repeating Groups
    • Groups of repeating fields will be identified in 0NF stage, and will be enclosed in orange curly braces. (e.g.: <b class="rg">Repeating, Group, Fields</b>)

Last Updated: 9/16/2019, 5:55:16 PM