Emergency Service & Product (ESP) Demo

This is a demo set of specifications and solutions for database normalization.

ESP Overview

The Emergency Service & Product (ESP) Company is a very small parts and service company. It currently uses a crude paper based system (3 by 5 cards, paper journal, etc) to keep track of its customers, inventory, suppliers, payments and invoices.

The company is growing rapidly and has found that it is unable to keep pace with the volume of data it must record about its business activities. It has decided that it wishes to automate some portions of its business.


Database Management: Normalization Exercise Suite

You have been hired to assist the company in analyzing its business activities and to design a set of relational tables that they can use to develop a database system.

The company will provide you with copies of all their paper based forms (invoices, orders, batch records, etc). You will use these over several weeks to analyze the various forms and produce third normal form (3NF) relational entity relationship diagrams (ERD) for each view of their data. As a last step in the process, you will merge all the views to produce one integrated ERD and fully detailed relational entities.

Last Updated: 8/17/2019, 3:52:52 PM