Double-Checking Normalization Results

It's a good practice to double-check your normalization by attempting two verifications. The first is to do a data verification.

Data Verification

Note: This "verification" section would not be required on a lab. It's here for demonstration purposes only, as a step you would do on your own to see if the data "fits" your final set of normalized entitied.

The verification of the final set of entities after going through the normalization process can be demonstrated by drawing tables with the original document's data entered as a sample.

Order Table

OrderNumber CustomerNumber Date Subtotal GST Total
219 137 Jan 16, 2000 24.29 1.70 25.99

Customer Table

CustomerNumber FirstName LastName Address City Province PostalCode HomePhone
137 Fred Smith 123 SomeWhere St. Edmonton AB T5H 2J9 436-7867

OrderDetail Table

OrderNumber ItemNumber Quantity SellingPrice Amount
219 H23 1 11.99 11.99
219 H319 2 4.99 9.98
219 M24 8 0.29 2.32

Item Table

ItemNumber Description CurrentPrice
H23 Heater Fan Belt - 23" 11.99
H319 Heater Fan Belt Support Brackets 4.99
M24 Bolts - 24 mm 0.29

- The current price for items can change over time.

ERD Description

Note: This "ERD Description" section would not be required on a lab. It's here for demonstration purposes only, as a step you would do on your own to see if the structure/relationships make sense among your final set of normalized entitied.

  • Each Customer must be one who places one or more Orders.
  • Each Order must be placed by one and only one Customer.
  • Each Order must be made up of one or more OrderDetails.
  • Each OrderDetail must be for one and only one Order.
  • Each Item may be sold under one or more OrderDetails.
  • Each OrderDetail must be a sale of one and only one Item.

Last Updated: 9/13/2019, 9:37:47 PM