ESP - Part 6

The markdown for this file can be found in the source repository.

Pickup Driver Details View

ESP has two employees in the city who do local parts pickup from their suppliers and receiving at the end of the day. Each driver covers a different area of the city, and they begin the morning by dividing the pickups and summarizing their pickup sheets. By mid-morning, they head out to do their pickups and they return by mid-afternoon, at which time they check in their pickup sheets and stock the shelves.

The following is a sample pickup sheet for one of the drivers.

Driver Details View


0NF – Identify Meta-data

PickupSheet (PickupSheetId, DriverId, DriverFirstName, DriverLastName, Date SupplierId, SupplierName, Address PurchaseOrderNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity, PickupQuantity)

Notes: - PickupSheetId is a technical key that was introduced in 0NF to uniquely identify each pickup sheet. - DriverId is a technical key that was introduced in 3rd Normal Form and "back-filled" to 0NF.

1NF – Separate Repeating Groups

PickupSheet (PickupSheetId, DriverId, DriverFirstName, DriverLastName, Date)

PickupLocation (PickupSheetId, SupplierId, SupplierName, Address)

PickupOrder (PickupSheetId†, SupplierId, PurchaseOrderNumber)

PickupItem (PickupSheetId†, SupplierId, PurchaseOrderNumber, ItemNumber, Quantity, PickupQuantity)

2NF – Identify Partial Dependencies

PickupLocation (PickupSheetId, SupplierId)

Supplier (SupplierId, SupplierName, Address)

3NF – Identify Transitive Dependencies

PickupSheet (PickupSheetId, DriverId, Date)

Driver (DriverId, DriverFirstName, DriverLastName)


Last Updated: 9/28/2020, 1:37:21 PM